Contested Wills in Enfield, Connecticut

Find the right Contested Wills attorney in Enfield, CT

In Enfield, Connecticut, there is a procedure through which a person can challenge the validity of a will. This is identified as a "contested will" or "will contest."

There are several reasons why a person might want to contest a will made by a close family member. Sometimes, people will decide to leave money or property to charity, or to other entities who are not closely related. If their family members weren't expecting this, they might assume that something went wrong with the drafting of the will.

If a considerable amount of money or property is being given away, the person left out of the will could reasonably conclude that the cost and time of a court challenge is worth it.

As with the initiation of any other legal proceeding, contesting a will is a big decision. It can be time-consuming and expensivee. It also has the possibility to damage family relationships and foster strife among people who are already mourning the loss of a loved one.

When Can a Will be Contested in Enfield, Connecticut?

There are several reasons that an Enfield, Connecticut court might hold a will to be invalid.

For example, a will which was not made under the testator's own volition and free will is not valid. This means that the testator must be acting voluntarily throughout the entire process of making his will. Therefore, a will made under duress (force, or threat of force) will not be given effect. In order to show duress, you generally need to first prove that the person named in the will was in a position of trust and power over the decedent, and that they are an "unnatural beneficiary" (someone who you would not normally expect to receive a gift under a will, usually because they are not related to, or close friends with, the testator). These facts, taken alone, are never enough to definitively prove that duress occurred. They are, however, usually enough to suggest that something strange is going on, and warrant further investigation.

A will can also be rejected because the decedent was not mentally competent to draft it at the it was made. A court will look at the person's mental capacity at the time the will was made, so even if the testator is now perfectly sane, if he or she was incapacitated for whatever reason (by way of intoxication, for example) at the time the will was made, the will can still be invalidated.

If an Enfield, Connecticut will is successfully challenged and therefore invalidated, there has to be some system for orderly distribution of the decedent's property. Typically, if a will is held invalid, all of the property will be treated as if the decedent had never written or will. This means that it goes to the decedent's closest living relative, or, if there are not relatives who can be located, the state.

Can a Enfield, Connecticut Contested Will Attorney Help?

Contesting a will is never particularly easy or enjoyable. However, a knowledgeable Enfield, Connecticut attorney can help take some of the burden off of you, and handle some of the most difficult aspects of this process.

Talk to a Wills, Trusts & Estates Law Attorney now!

Life in Enfield

Enfield, Connecticut is a town located in Hartford County. Its current estimated population is about 46,000. Enfield, like many cities in North America, has a human history that predates by thousands of years the arrival of European settlers. Enfield, for example, was populated by Pocomtuc Tribe for thousands of years. European colonists did not arrive until 1878. It was incorporated a few years later. Until 1749, Enfield, Connecticut was legally part of Massachusetts. However, the settlement of a lawsuit brought about by a surveyor's error led to Enfield seceding from the Massachusetts colony, and becoming part of Connecticut. Modernly, Enfield and the surrounding areas are home to several natural attractions, such as parks, rivers, and hiking trails. Enfield is a fairly prosperous community, with the median family income being about ,000. Furthermore, less than 4% of the population of Enfield, Connecticut lives below the poverty line. If you are facing a legal problem in Enfield, Connecticut, no matter how large or small, it is always a good idea to seek the advice of an Enfield, Connecticut lawyer. The lawyers in Enfield, Connecticut are ready to help prospective clients with whatever legal issues they're likely to face.

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