Estate Planning In Pontiac, Michigan

Find the right Estate Planning attorney in Pontiac, MI

Estate planning in Pontiac, Michigan is simply the act of deciding what you want to happen to your assets after your death. It usually entails making plans about funeral arrangements, as well as plans for end of life care.

The creation of a will (the document laying out what is to be done with your property after your death) is an essential element of an estate plan, but it is usually not the only element. There are many other crucial things that most estate plans should include.

In addition to a well-drafted will, a comprehensive estate plan should include things like a living will (healthcare directives made in advance, in case you become incapacitated and unable to make or express such decisions), funeral instructions, and instructions relating to organ donations.

For anyone who has children who are still minors, it is very crucial to make arrangements for their custody and care, just in case the unthinkable happens. You should think of a family member or very close friend who you know would be willing and able to take care of your children, and designate them as the person who would take custody. Of course, it's crucial to discuss this matter with that person before you actually do it.

What Type of Estate Plan Do I Need in Pontiac, Michigan?

Obviously, this depends on your needs, which you will have to figure out for yourself. Some typical considerations in making this decision, however, are your health, age, and the amount of assets involved.

For example, if you are in your 20's and unmarried, an estate plan probably does not need to be on your priorities, unless you are very ill, or independently wealthy.

If you have a life partner in Pontiac, Michigan, but aren't married to him or her, estate planning is crucial. If you want your partner to have most of the same rights and responsibilities as a spouse, it's usually possible with good estate planning. You should grant your partner power of attorney, so they can make decisions for you in case you become incapacitated. Furthermore, you should name your partner as a beneficiary in your will, because, unlike a spouse, a life partner will not automatically inherit your property if you die without a will.

If you are very old, and have a substantial estate in Pontiac, Michigan, you should definitely come up with an estate plan if you haven't already. Admittedly, this involves confronting some unpleasant and morbid subjects, but it is still very crucial. Estate planning is essential if you care at all what happens to your property, and, more importantly, your loved ones, after you die.

Do I Need a Pontiac, Michigan Estate Planning Attorney?

Estate planning in Pontiac, Michigan is not always confusing, but it certainly can be. In moderately-sized to large estates, with a significant number of potential beneficiaries, it is crucial to have the assistance of an estate planning professional.

Talk to a Wills, Trusts & Estates Law Attorney now!

Life in Pontiac

Pontiac is located in Oakland County, Michigan. It is famous for being home to the General Motors manufacturing plants--especially for the Pontiac vehicle. In fact, the city now has a stadium named after the vehicle; the stadium is called the Pontiac Silverdome.

A fun site includes Woodward Avenue, an area filled with small shops and great restaurants, as well as hot-rod cars that drag race. Other popular sites include The Realm of Darkness haunted house, Erebus haunted house, and the Fallen Heroes Memorial.

Pontiac is also home to many attorneys who practice in various areas of law. These professionals focus on providing their clients with personalized, excellent legal services.

An interesting fact, and a reason for Pontiac being one of Michigan's most recognized cities, is that in 2010 the city underwent "The Rise of the Phoenix" initiative. Basically, businesses who opened offices in downtown Pontiac would be given free rent in exchange for multi-year leases, alongside one year free parking in local city lots. There was an application process and about 52 businesses were selected, which helped boost the Pontiac economy.

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