Estate Planning In Smyrna, Tennessee

Find the right Estate Planning attorney in Smyrna, TN

Estate planning is a very broad term in Smyrna, Tennessee, referring to a person's choices on issues that affect them and their family toward the end of their life. These might include instructions for end-of-life care, as well as drafting a will or other document with the intent of disposing of one's property after their death.

One of the first things an estate planner will ask you about when you come to them for help is what you want to put in your will. A will is a document which says who is going to get your property after your death. Once it is proven valid, a will is binding, meaning that the beneficiaries get legal ownership of whatever is left to them. Obviously, if you have any interest in what is done with your property after you die, a will is going to be at the center of your estate plan. However, it is rarely the only part of a solid estate plan.

A solid estate plan will also include instructions to your doctors about your preferences for end of life care, in case you become unable to express them. This is recognized as a "living will." It should also include instructions about funeral arrangements and organ donation.

Most importantly, an estate plan should give instructions on the care of your minor children. It should lay out who is to take custody of them, and, if possible, leave them a large sum of money to assist with this care. Of course, you should discuss this matter with the people who you want to take custody of your children, to make sure they can really take on such responsibility.

What Type of Estate Plan Do I Need in Smyrna, Tennessee?

The answer to this question depends largely on your goals and priorities, as well as your age, health, and the amount of assets you have.

For instance, if you're unmarried, and in your early 20's, estate planning is probably not the most crucial thing in your life. However, if you're seriously ill, and/or unusually wealthy, estate planning might be a priority for you.

If you have a life partner in Smyrna, Tennessee, but aren't married to him or her, estate planning is essential. If you want your partner to have most of the same rights and responsibilities as a spouse, it's normally possible with good estate planning. You should grant your partner power of attorney, so they can make choices for you in case you become incapacitated. Additionally, you should name your partner as a beneficiary in your will, because, unlike a spouse, a life partner will not automatically inherit your property if you die without a will.

Other groups for whom estate planning is very crucial in Smyrna, Tennessee are people who are elderly and/or have a lot of assets. This may be the point in one's life where estate planning is most crucial. While it's true that the process of making an estate plan requires a person to deal directly with the reality of their own mortality, it is extremely important if you value the security that comes with the knowledge that your family will be provided for.

Do I Need a Smyrna, Tennessee Estate Planning Attorney?

Because estate planning in Smyrna, Tennessee can involve some confusing legal and financial issues, it is essential to undertake this task with the guidance of an experienced attorney who specializes in estate planning.

Talk to a Wills, Trusts & Estates Law Attorney now!

Life in Smyrna

Smyrna, Tennessee is a town with a population of close to 40,000 residents. Smyrna is comprised of 23 square miles, and originally began as an agrarian community. The Smyrna airport, makes it easy for travelers to fly directly into the city.

Smyrna is best known for its role in the Civil War. The city, with it's strategic location between two major posts (Nashville and Chattnooga) saw a lot of action. The 160-acre Sam Davis plantation is located in Smyrna, and commemorates the death of the Confederate hero in Smyrna. There is still a military presence in Smyrna today, with the Stewart Air Force Base, and the Tennessee National Guard both located in Smyrna.

In addition to a military presence, Smyrna also has a Nissan Motors plant within the city, a popular place for many residents to work.

Located in Rutherford County, Smyrna lawyers serve their city and the surrounding areas, helping their client with a range of legal issues. Smyrna lawyers are skilled in a range of specialties and available to help their neighbor today!

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