Enfield Estate Planning

Find the right Wills & Trusts attorney in Enfield, CT

In Enfield, estate planning refers to the process of deciding what should be done with one's assets after their death.

Estate planning typically requires the advice of a legal and/or financial expert, because the issues involved can be perplexing, and are considered by most to be quite important. A flawed estate plan might create conflict between your survivors, resulting in your intentions not being given effect.

Estate planning can have several positive effects on the planner during life, as well. These benefits are typically somewhat intangible, revolving around the peace of mind that comes with knowing that, after your death, you family will be taken care of and that they'll know what your last wishes are. Nonetheless, most people find this very valuable. To that end, you should come up with a power-of-attorney agreement. When you grant someone power of attorney, you have given them the power to make specific decisions on your behalf. You can grant them as much or as little authority as you want. Most people, however, give family members or life partners power of attorney with respect to medical care, so if they become incapacitated, their wishes will still be carried out.

The last thing a person wants to think about is the possibility that, after their death, their survivors are fighting over some part of their estate plan that's ambiguous or otherwise contentious. If you want to prevent this, or at least make it far less likely, you should have the help of an Enfield attorney every step of the way.

Common Features of Enfield Estates

Will: This is the centerpiece of most estate plans. A will is a document written by a person (the "testator"), typically with the help of a lawyer, which says what is to be done with their property after they die. Most provisions in a will are legally binding, to the extent that ownership of the property legally passes to the named beneficiary. However, a will cannot compel a person to do anything against their wishes (though it can certainly state your preferences on the matter, phrasing them as requests).

Living Will: This is a document which articulates your wishes concerning your medical care, to give instructions to your family and doctors in the event that you become incapacitated. While directly consulting it will hopefully never be necessary, one never knows - unexpected illnesses and injuries can happen to anyone, at any time. While making a living will might require a person to acknowledge the existence of some unpleasant possibilities, it can end up saving their loved ones a great deal of grief and uncertainty.

Power of Attorney: Power of attorney is the power to make binding decisions for another person, when that person becomes unable to make or express their own decisions. You can grant power of attorney to anyone you want, but, for obvious reasons, you should only grant it to somebody you trust, and discuss your exact wishes with them, in case they actually have to make a decision for you.

Funeral Arrangements: What do you want done with your body after you die? Do you want to be cremated? How about buried? Or maybe you want to be cremated, and have your remains shot into space? Whatever your preference, you won't exactly be able to tell anyone when the time comes. Consequently, you should make your desires on this matter known well in advance. You also shouldn't make your will the only place where these instructions are contained, since it might not be read for weeks after your death, when it will probably be too late.

Do I Need a Enfield Estates Lawyer?

A poorly drafted or executed Enfield estate plan can have major negative consequences. For example, it might be confusing to the people who are most directly affected by it. This confusion can frequently lead to costly litigation. For that reason, the help of an efficient estate planning attorney can be invaluable.

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Life in Enfield

Enfield, Connecticut is a town located in Hartford County. Its current estimated population is about 46,000. Enfield, like many cities in North America, has a human history that predates by thousands of years the arrival of European settlers. Enfield, for example, was populated by Pocomtuc Tribe for thousands of years. European colonists did not arrive until 1878. It was incorporated a few years later. Until 1749, Enfield, Connecticut was legally part of Massachusetts. However, the settlement of a lawsuit brought about by a surveyor's error led to Enfield seceding from the Massachusetts colony, and becoming part of Connecticut. Modernly, Enfield and the surrounding areas are home to several natural attractions, such as parks, rivers, and hiking trails. Enfield is a fairly prosperous community, with the median family income being about ,000. Furthermore, less than 4% of the population of Enfield, Connecticut lives below the poverty line. If you are facing a legal problem in Enfield, Connecticut, no matter how large or small, it is always a good idea to seek the advice of an Enfield, Connecticut lawyer. The lawyers in Enfield, Connecticut are ready to help prospective clients with whatever legal issues they're likely to face.

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