Estate Administration in Palm Coast, Florida

Find the right Estate Administration attorney in Palm Coast, FL

Estate administration, in basic terms, is the process of maintenance and distribution of a person's assets after they die.

If the decedent wrote a will before his or her death in Palm Coast, Florida, the process will be carried out according to the directives contained in the will, assuming they are valid and enforceable.

Usually, wills appoint an executor who is responsible for overseeing the administration of the estate, and seeing that its provisions are carried out, to the extent possible.

The executor is often the person who will get the most money or property out of the will if it is given effect, because this is the person who will have the greatest incentive to see that the probate process goes as quickly as possible.

What if The Will Does Not Name an Executor?

If a Palm Coast, Florida will does not name an executor, or no will exists or can be found, it's up to the local court to decide who should be the executor.

This is most often the person who stands to gain the most from the will, or who would inherit the most under Florida's intestacy laws. Intestacy is the system that every state has in order to deal with the property of people who die without a will. It usually distributes the property to the closest living relatives of the decedent, assuming they can be located.

If the will doesn't name anyone as executor, or the person who was named as executor is no longer living or cannot be found, anyone who has a direct interest in the will in Palm Coast, Florida can apply to the court to be the executor.

Whoever ends up as the executor, it is their responsibility to serve as the personal representative of the estate. They will be responsible for taking account of all of the decedent's assets and debts, as well as notifying beneficiaries who may be estranged from the decedent, among other things.

Can a Palm Coast, Florida Estate Administration Attorney Help?

If you are the executor of an estate, and don't know how to handle some of the legal and financial complexities that may arise, an experienced Palm Coast, Florida lawyer can make this process a great deal easier.

Hire the Right Wills, Trusts & Estates Law Attorney now!

Life in Palm Coast

Palm Coast is located in Flagler County, Florida. It has a population of around 76,000 people. It is seen as one of Florida's most rapidly growing areas.

Palm Coast is filled with small to mid-size businesses of all types. One of the larger employers include Palm Coast Data, which employs around 1,000 people. This area is building itself up after the 2009 recession. With these small businesses looking to improve, many Florida residents are moving to Palm Coast for employment purposes.

With Palm Coast being such a business-savvy area, it has a good deal of law firms ready and capable of serving these businesses for any and all of their legal needs.

Overall, Palm Coast is an up and rising area of Florida filled with small businesses aiming to thrive and succeed in the U.S. economy.

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