Estate Administration in Evanston, Illinois

Find the right Estate Administration attorney in Evanston, IL

Estate administration, in basic terms, is the procedure of maintenance and distribution of a person's assets after they die.

If the decedent has made a will in Evanston, Illinois, the process will play out according to the instructions specified in the will.

Wills typically name an executor. The executor's role revolves around guaranteeing that the instructions in the will are implemented.

The executor generally has at least some work cut out for them. This obviously raises the issue of compensation. The easiest way to guarantee that the executor does his or her job is simply to appoint the person who has the most to gain from the will. That way, they cannot inherit until the process is done.

What if The Will Does Not Name an Executor?

If the will in Evanston, Illinois does not name an executor, or the decedent left no will to be found, the court has to assign a person to serve as the administrator of the estate.

Usually, this will be the person who has the most to gain from the will, or who would gain the most under Illinois's intestacy scheme (the system that distributes the decedent's property to his or her closest living relatives, if he or she dies without a will).

In cases where the will doesn't name an executor, or the person named is unable to take on that role for whatever reason, any person who has some direct share in the decedent's estate (either because they're named in the will or stand to inherit by intestacy) can petition an Evanston, Illinois court to be assigned executor.

Once an executor is finally named, he or she becomes responsible for serving as the living embodiment of the estate, utilizing all legal means to protect the estate's interests (such as mounting plausible legal defenses against creditors).

Can a Evanston, Illinois Estate Administration Attorney Help?

If you are the administrator of an estate, and are not a legal and/or financial professional, you might encounter legal or tax issues with which you are unfamiliar. An Evanston, Illinois attorney would be very helpful in such a situation.

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Life in Evanston

Evanston, Illinois is a municipality in Cook County, Illinois. It is a suburb of Chicago, and its population is estimated at about 75,000 people. Evanston is probably best known as the home of Northwestern University, which is one of the most prestigious undergraduate and graduate schools in the U.S., and home to one of highest-ranked law schools in the U.S. Evanston was officially incorporated in 1863, and grew rapidly during the industrial revolution. The popular building toys known as "Tinkertoys" were invented in Evanston, Illinois. Evanston is one of several cities which claim to be the birthplace of the ice cream sundae, though the veracity this claim, and the claims of other cities, can't be confirmed. Modernly, Northwestern University makes up a significant portion of Evanston's economic activity, from the thousands of people it employs, and the students it brings to the community, who typically spend a lot of money. If you live in the Chicago/Evanston area, and need legal representation, an Evanston, Illinois lawyer would probably be able to meet your legal needs. Evanston's proximity to such a prestigious law school, as well as the huge city right next door, ensures that Evanston, Illinois lawyers must be far more sophisticated than the average small-town attorney.

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