Estate Planning In Mequon, Wisconsin

Find the right Estate Planning attorney in Mequon, WI

In Mequon, Wisconsin, estate planning is the process of deciding what you want done with your property after your death (which is, of course, a very personal decision), and then setting up the legal and financial arrangements to guarantee that your wishes are carried out.

The drafting of a will, which simply states what you wish to be done with your property after death, is typically one of the most essential parts of an estate plan. Of course, it's rarely the only one. There are many other things you might want to include, depending on your objectives.

In addition to a well-drafted will, a comprehensive estate plan should contain things like a living will (healthcare directives made in advance, in case you become incapacitated and unable to make or express such decisions), funeral instructions, and instructions relating to organ donations.

For anyone who has children who are still minors, it is very critical to make arrangements for their custody and care, just in case the unthinkable occurs. You should think of a family member or extremely close friend who you know would be willing and able to take care of your children, and designate them as the person who would take custody. Of course, it's essential to discuss this matter with that person before you truly do it.

What Type of Estate Plan Do I Need in Mequon, Wisconsin?

The answer to this question varies on your individual needs, your priorities, your health, and the size and nature of your estate.

For instance, if you are in your 20's and unmarried, an estate plan likely does not need to be on your priorities, unless you are very ill, or independently wealthy.

If you have a life partner in Mequon, Wisconsin, but aren't married to him or her, estate planning is necessary. If you want your partner to have most of the same rights and responsibilities as a spouse, it's typically possible with good estate planning. You should grant your partner power of attorney, so they can make arrangements for you in case you become incapacitated. Moreover, you should name your partner as a beneficiary in your will, because, unlike a spouse, a life partner will not automatically inherit your property if you die without a will.

If you are very old, and have a considerable estate in Mequon, Wisconsin, you should definitely come up with an estate plan if you haven't already. Admittedly, this includes confronting some unpleasant and morbid subjects, but it is still very critical. Estate planning is essential if you care at all what happens to your property, and, more importantly, your loved ones, after you die.

Do I Need a Mequon, Wisconsin Estate Planning Attorney?

Because estate planning in Mequon, Wisconsin can involve some difficult legal and financial issues, it is necessary to undertake this task with the guidance of an experienced attorney who specializes in estate planning.

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Life in Mequon

Mequon, Wisconsin is a city located in Ozaukee County. Its population is about 23,000 people. It was recently ranked very highly among the top 20 small cities in the U.S. to live in.

The area now known as Mequon was inhabited by various Native American tribes thousands of years before the arrival of white settlers in the early to mid 1800s. Around that time, about 20 German families established a sort of sub-community called "Freistadt" which means "Free City" in German. They came to the United States to escape religious persecution in their native land. The families were Lutheran, and Germany at the time was predominantly Catholic. They established the first Lutheran Church in Wisconsin. Freidstadt is now a neighborhood within the city limits of Mequon, Wisconsin.

Nowadays, Mequon, Wisconsin is a quiet, affluent suburb of Milwaukee. The median household income in Mequon is over ,000, and less than 2% of the population lives below the poverty line.

There are plenty of lawyers in and around Mequon, Wisconsin to serve the residents and businesses of the area. Mequon's affluence and proximity to a large city means that a large percentage of Mequon, Wisconsin lawyers are used to handling complex and sophisticated cases, making it all the more likely that a Meqon, Wisconsin lawyer will be able to take whatever type of case you are likely to have.

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