Estate Administration in Orange, California

Find the right Estate Administration attorney in Orange, CA

Estate administration, in basic terms, is the process of maintenance and distribution of a person's assets after they die.

If the decedent had the foresight to draft and execute a will in Orange, California, the estate is normally administered in a way that follows the instructions the will lays out, as closely as possible.

Wills normally name an executor. The executor's role revolves around ensuring that the instructions in the will are implemented.

The executor is typically the person who stands to inherit the most money or property from the will, since this personn will have the greatest incentive to see the probate and administration process to completion.

What if The Will Does Not Name an Executor?

If the will in Orange, California does not name an executor, or the decedent left no will to be found, the court has to appoint a person to serve as the administrator of the estate.

This is normally the person who will benefit the most if the will is executed. If there is no will (a situation identified as "intestacy"), California has a system of laws distributing the decedent's property to his or her closest living relative. In such a situation, the closest living relative has the most to gain from an orderly administration of the estate, so they will normally be appointed.

In cases where the will doesn't name an executor, or the person named is unable to take on that role for whatever reason, any person who has some direct stake in the decedent's estate (either because they're named in the will or stand to inherit by intestacy) can petition an Orange, California court to be appointed executor.

Once an executor is appointed (whether by being named in the will, or on the application of another person), they "step into the shoes" of the estate, and are expected to protect its interests to the fullest extent possible. They also are required to accurately inventory the estate's debts and assets, as well as notify potential beneficiaries.

Can a Orange, California Estate Administration Attorney Help?

If you are the executor of an estate, and don't know how to handle some of the legal and financial difficulties that may arise, an efficient Orange, California lawyer can make this process a great deal easier.

Connect with the Right Wills, Trusts & Estates Law Attorney now!

Life in Orange

The city of Orange, California has a population of about 137,000 and is located about 3 miles from Santa Ana, the seat of Orange County. It has recently become a popular choice of residence for commuters who are employed in Los Angeles. Orange, California is well-known for its cozy, "old-town" feel that it maintains.

Part of Orange's charm is due to the large number of old and historic homes that have been preserved by the city. Many homes in Orange's "Old Town District" were built before 1920. Orange Historic District also contains original structures built around the time of the city's incorporation in the late 1800's. Orange, California has the second largest concentration of historic buildings in the nation.

In addition to its old-town feel, Orange has welcomed a number of modern institutions and retail centers. Of notable interest is "The Block at Orange", which is an outdoor entertainment and shopping locale. It features several upscale restaurants and is a popular shopping destination.

Lawyers in Orange, California provide assistance in a wide range of general legal fields. Many Orange, California lawyers have unique skills in specialized areas of law. Most attorneys in Orange file their claims at the Superior Court of California, County of Orange.

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