Orange Estate Planning

Find the right Wills & Trusts attorney in Orange, CA

In Orange, estate planning refers to the process of deciding what should be done with one's assets after their death.

Estate planning often requires the advice of a legal and/or financial expert, because the issues involved can be difficult, and are considered by most to be quite important. A flawed estate plan might create conflict between your survivors, resulting in your intentions not being given effect.

In addition to deciding what to do with your assets after your death, your estate plan should also include things that might become relevant during life. Power of attorney is a big one. Power of attorney is an arrangement in which you give another person the ability to make decisions for you, if you become incapacitated. Additionally, effective estate planning can help reduce the effect of taxes and court fees on your final disposition to your chosen beneficiaries.

A knowledgeable estate planner in Orange, can make this process much easier, minimizing the chances that your estate plan will end up in court, saving your survivors a huge amount of time and money.

Common Features of Orange Estates

Will: This is a legal document which transfers ownership of the testator's (the person making the will) property to named beneficiaries after the testator's death. The beneficiaries can be just about anyone the testator chooses, but smaller estates, usually only include family members, and maybe very close friends. If you want, you can place conditions on gifts (say, leaving a certain amount of money to your son, but only if he graduates college before he turns 25 - this is just an example). However, a will can't actually compel anyone to do anything, and some conditional gifts won't be enforced, normally because they involve an illegal act, or require a person to marry or refrain from marrying a particular person.

Living Will: Unlike ordinary wills, a living will contains instructions concerning a person's medical care. Some recent high-profile controversies have illustrated the importance of making a living will, even for younger people. In a living will, you can give your family members and doctors instructions about your desired medical care, in case you become incapacitated (comatose or brain-dead, for example) and can't tell them yourself. Some people say that they would not want to be kept alive by artificial means if they are in a vegetative state, and there's no chance of recovery. If this is you, that's definitely something to include in a living will. Of course, if you would prefer the opposite, being kept alive as long as is medically possible, you can put that in your living will, as well.

Power of Attorney: What if you become incapacitated, and can't make your own decisions? It would be nice if somebody knew what you would want in a given situation, and, on top of that, had the legal authority to make that decision for you. Power of attorney lets you do precisely that, granting a person of your choice the ability to make certain decisions for you, in case you, for whatever reason, can't (you can, of course, control the scope of power that you grant).

Funeral Arrangements: Some people, for religious and other reasons, have very specific wishes concerning the disposal of their remains after they die. Some want to be buried. Others, cremated. No matter what your preferences on this matter are, it's essential that you inform your family of them far in advance. These instructions should be included in a document that is likely to be read before your death (such as a living will), or very shortly thereafter. This excludes a will, because it's frequently weeks after a person dies until their will is read.

Do I Need a Orange Estates Lawyer?

A knowledgeable estate planning professional in Orange can be invaluable, and you will probably find their services to be well worth the price. They can make the whole process a great deal easier, and they can also help to minimize the chances that your estate plan will be disputed, saving your survivors a great deal of time, money, and energy.

Connect with the Right Wills, Trusts & Estates Law Attorney now!

Life in Orange

The city of Orange, California has a population of about 137,000 and is located about 3 miles from Santa Ana, the seat of Orange County. It has recently become a popular choice of residence for commuters who are employed in Los Angeles. Orange, California is well-known for its cozy, "old-town" feel that it maintains.

Part of Orange's charm is due to the large number of old and historic homes that have been preserved by the city. Many homes in Orange's "Old Town District" were built before 1920. Orange Historic District also contains original structures built around the time of the city's incorporation in the late 1800's. Orange, California has the second largest concentration of historic buildings in the nation.

In addition to its old-town feel, Orange has welcomed a number of modern institutions and retail centers. Of notable interest is "The Block at Orange", which is an outdoor entertainment and shopping locale. It features several upscale restaurants and is a popular shopping destination.

Lawyers in Orange, California provide assistance in a wide range of general legal fields. Many Orange, California lawyers have unique skills in specialized areas of law. Most attorneys in Orange file their claims at the Superior Court of California, County of Orange.

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