Contested Wills in Greeley, Colorado

Find the right Contested Wills attorney in Greeley, CO

In Greeley, Colorado, there is a process through which a person can challenge the validity of a will. This is known as a "contested will" or "will contest."

There are numerous reasons why a person might want to contest a will made by a close family member. Sometimes, people will decide to leave money or property to charity, or to other entities who are not closely related. If their family members weren't expecting this, they might assume that something went wrong with the drafting of the will.

If a large amount of money or property is being given away, the person left out of the will could rationally conclude that the cost and time of a court challenge is worth it.

Like any legal matter, however, this should not be taken lightly. Will contests can foster conflict and strife within families who are already mourning a loved one. This can cause grave and irreversible damage to family relationships.

When Can a Will be Contested in Greeley, Colorado?

There are several reasons that a court in Greeley, Colorado might invalidate a will.

To be valid, a will must be a product of the testator's own free will. So, a will that the testator was forced or tricked into making is not valid, if the probate court finds out about the duress or trickery. Of course, wills are typically made many years before a person dies, so how can a person expect to prove duress or fraud if they suspect it? To begin with, it's not easy. It is possible, however. First of all, it's good to have as much documentation of the testator's affairs as possible. Any written statements concerning their desires on this matter will also be very useful, if there are any. Also, if the suspect gift is totally out of left field (property is left to someone that you know the testator didn't like, or barely knew, for instance), this might also support your position that the will was invalid. Of course, the testator can leave his or her money to whomever they want, so these facts, by themselves, will not be enough to prove fraud or duress.

Because a testator must know what they are doing in order to write a valid will, the testator must be of sound mind at the time the will is made. Essentially, if a person is unaware of what they're doing, and the consequences of their actions, they can't make a legitimate will. This can be due to mental illness, or intoxication. Of course, if it's a result of intoxication, the testator can simply sober up and then make a perfectly valid will.

So, you've succeeded in contesting the validity of a Greeley, Colorado will. What happens to the property that was going to be distributed according to its terms? Generally, when a will is declared void, the decedent's assets will be treated as if he or she had died without a will. This is known as "intestacy." Usually, this simply means that the assets will be passed on to their owner's closest living relative, typically a spouse, children, siblings, or parents. If absolutely no relatives can be found, the property is passed to the state. If there is a previous will, which was revoked by the invalid will, a court might revive the old will. If the new will was found to be completely invalid (rather than just parts of it), it follows, then, that the revocation of the old will is invalid as well. Therefore, the old will can be given effect.

Can a Greeley, Colorado Contested Will Attorney Help?

Contesting a will is never particularly easy or enjoyable. However, a reputable Greeley, Colorado attorney can help take some of the burden off of you, and handle some of the most difficult aspects of this process.

Find Wills, Trusts & Estates Law Attorney now!

Life in Greeley

Greeley, Colorado is a city in Weld County. It is that county's largest city, and the county seat. It has a population of about 93,000 people, making it the 12th most populous city in Colorado.

Greeley began in 1869 as a community known as the "Union Colony of Colorado," an experimentalUtopiancommunity based on "temperance, religion, agriculture, education and family values." Over the decades, Union Colony, largely due to relocation and demographic changes, gradually evolved into a mainstream American city.

Modernly, the economy of Greeley, Colorado is based on healthcare, services, government employment, and insurance. One of the largest employers in Greeley, Colorado is the State Farm insurance company, which employs over 1,300 people, including a decent number of Greeley, Colorado lawyers.

Most lawyers in Greeley, Colorado, however, work in private practice. This means that if you need legal assistance, there's almost certainly a Greeley, Colorado attorney who can help you with your legal issues.

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