Power of Attorney in Greeley, Colorado

Find the right Power of Attorney attorney in Greeley, CO

In Greeley, Colorado, power of attorney is an arrangement in which one person (the principal) gives another (the attorney-in-fact) the capacity to act on the principal's behalf in certain situations, and under certain conditions. Power of attorney might be authorized for any number of reasons, but it is most often set up to allow the attorney-in-fact to make financial and medical decisions on the principal's behalf in the event that the principal becomes incapacitated.

If you are giving someone power of attorney, it's up to you to decide exactly what kind of decisions they will be able to make, and when they'll be able to make them. In any case, however, it's very important that you completely trust the person to whom you're granting this authority, since any power of attorney, even if it's very limited in scope, can be abused. Obviously, whatever type and amount of power you wish to give will depend on your intentions, as well as many external factors.

If you have a strong preference with respect to end-of-life care, but worry that you might be unable to express your wishes when the time comes, you may want to give a family member the legal authority to make such decisions for you, if necessary. Of course, the power you grant them should be precisely limited to medical decisions, if that's all you want them to be able to decide. It should also clearly state that this power will not actually vest until and unless you actually become incapacitated. For reasons that should be obvious, you should only give this power to a person you trust.

In Greeley, Colorado, you can likely find pre-printed forms at office supply stores available for purchase. They already have the basic terms of a power-of-attorney agreement written, and just need the parties to fill in the blanks with names, dates, and a few other details.

Types of Power of Attorney Arrangements in Greeley, Colorado

There are 3 power-of-attorney schemes that can be set up in Greeley, Colorado. Which one is best for you will largely depend on your goals, and your individual situation. They are:

1. Limited power of attorney - this is probably the most limited form of power of attorney. It lets someone act on your behalf in a single instance. It is used most often in large sales transactions involving a written contract. If the closing of the deal is set to take place far away from where one of the parties is located, they can give limited power of attorney to someone who is closer. All you have to do is give that person the power to act on your behalf in this one transaction. This authority automatically expires once the deal is finished.

2. Durable power of attorney - unlike limited power of attorney, discussed above, this does not automatically expire, though the principal can stop it at any time. It is usually not limited to a single transaction, either. Rather, it covers a broader subject matter, though it still has limits. For instance, you could give someone durable power of attorney to make medical decisions for you, but they would only be allowed to act in that context.

3. Springing power of attorney - this is a form of power of attorney which doesn't actually take effect until the occurrence of some specified event. This event can be anything, but it is frequently the principal becoming disabled. You should be aware, though, that it is not always clear what "disabled" means in such an agreement, which can result in disagreements, resulting in litigation.

Can a Greeley, Colorado Lawyer Help?

While setting up power of attorney in Greeley, Colorado can be simple, there are some situations in which it will inevitably be convoluted. In such cases, the process will be much easier if you have a reputable attorney to help you along the way.

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Life in Greeley

Greeley, Colorado is a city in Weld County. It is that county's largest city, and the county seat. It has a population of about 93,000 people, making it the 12th most populous city in Colorado.

Greeley began in 1869 as a community known as the "Union Colony of Colorado," an experimentalUtopiancommunity based on "temperance, religion, agriculture, education and family values." Over the decades, Union Colony, largely due to relocation and demographic changes, gradually evolved into a mainstream American city.

Modernly, the economy of Greeley, Colorado is based on healthcare, services, government employment, and insurance. One of the largest employers in Greeley, Colorado is the State Farm insurance company, which employs over 1,300 people, including a decent number of Greeley, Colorado lawyers.

Most lawyers in Greeley, Colorado, however, work in private practice. This means that if you need legal assistance, there's almost certainly a Greeley, Colorado attorney who can help you with your legal issues.

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