Estate Administration in Aberdeen, Maryland

Find the right Estate Administration attorney in Aberdeen, MD

"Estate administration" refers to the procedure which must be followed when the estate of a person who has recently died is being distributed, either according to his or her wishes as laid out in a will, or the laws regulating the distribution of the assets of a person who dies without a will.

If the decedent wrote a will before his or her death in Aberdeen, Maryland, the process will be carried out according to the directives included in the will, assuming they are legitimate and enforceable.

Often, the will appoints an executor whose job it is to oversee the administration of the will.

The person named as executor of an estate usually has some work ahead of them. To ensure that they actually follow through on their commitments, most people name as executor the person who will get the most money, or other benefit, if the will is given effect as written. Because an estate can't be distributed until the administration process is complete, the executor has an incentive to see it through.

What if The Will Does Not Name an Executor?

If an Aberdeen, Maryland will does not name an executor, or no will exists or can be found, it's up to the local court to determine who should be the executor.

This is typically the person who will benefit the most if the will is executed. If there is no will (a situation known as "intestacy"), Maryland has a system of laws distributing the decedent's property to his or her closest living relative. In such a case, the closest living relative has the most to gain from an orderly administration of the estate, so they will typically be appointed.

If the will doesn't name a person who is to serve as executor, or the individual named is no longer alive or cannot be found, anyone with a direct interest in the will can apply to the Aberdeen, Maryland court to be the executor.

Whoever ends up as the executor, it is their responsibility to serve as the personal representative of the estate. They will be accountable for taking account of all of the decedent's assets and debts, as well as notifying beneficiaries who may be estranged from the decedent, among other things.

Can a Aberdeen, Maryland Estate Administration Attorney Help?

Some people are surprised when they find out they've been named the executor of a relative's estate. The responsibilities can seem daunting, but with the help of a reputable Aberdeen, Maryland attorney, the process almost always goes pretty smoothly.

Talk to a Wills, Trusts & Estates Law Attorney now!

Life in Aberdeen

Aberdeen is a city located in Hartford County, Maryland. It has a population of around 14,000 people.

Aberdeen, Maryland is named after Aberdeen, Scotland.

Aberdeen, Maryland is home to the Aberdeen Proving Ground, which, starting in World War I, was used to by the army as a bomb-testing range. However, its use for that purpose is decreasing. A large portion of the former proving ground is being leased to commercial developers, which is expected to provide a major economic boon for the region.

The Aberdeen Proving Ground is still an active military base, despite the fact that some of it is being leased. An active military base, especially in a smaller community, is going to influence the culture of that community. Because service members from all over the country tend to be stationed on military bases, they bring their own unique character to the area where the base is located.

In addition to the obvious economic benefits that a large, constant consumer base creates, the diversity that such a facility brings in tends to have intangible benefits, as well.

The attorneys of Aberdeen, Maryland are experienced in working with a wide variety of clients, on a large number of different issues.

Whatever legal issue, you might have to deal with, it's probable that an Aberdeen, Maryland lawyer will be able to help.

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