Contested Wills in Jackson, Mississippi

Find the right Contested Wills attorney in Jackson, MS

It is permitted, in Jackson, Mississippi, to go to court and claim that a will is invalid, in some cases. This is called a Will Contest.

Occasionally, when a person who expected to be included in a will is left out, their natural assumption is that there was some mistake, or that the will was made through improper means, such as duress or fraud, or that the will is an outright forgery.

If a lot of money, or some specifically valuable property, is at stake, the person who was left out might want to go to court and allege that the will was invalid. When left out of a will, a family member might naturally assume that some kind of mistake has been made, whether this is actually true or not.

Bringing legal action against anyone, let alone a family member, is not a decision that you should rush into. Contesting a will, particularly if another family member stands to lose out if you are successful in the contest, can permanently alter or even destroy family relationships. Evidently, this is something to consider.

When Can a Will be Contested in Jackson, Mississippi?

There are various reasons that a Jackson, Mississippi court might hold a will to be invalid.

To be valid, a will must be a product of the testator's own free will. So, a will that the testator was forced or tricked into making is not valid, if the probate court finds out about the duress or trickery. Of course, wills are typically made many years before a person dies, so how can a person expect to prove duress or fraud if they suspect it? To begin with, it's not easy. It is possible, however. First of all, it's good to have as much documentation of the testator's affairs as possible. Any written statements concerning their desires on this matter will also be very useful, if there are any. Also, if the suspect gift is totally out of left field (property is left to someone that you know the testator didn't like, or barely knew, for instance), this might also support your position that the will was invalid. Of course, the testator can leave his or her money to whomever they want, so these facts, by themselves, will not be enough to prove fraud or duress.

Another thing to consider is the mental capacity of the person making the will. If, at the time the will was made, the testator was insane or heavily intoxicated, the will is likely to be held invalid by a court, if the underlying facts can be shown.

There are many other facts that might make a will invalid, and therefore serve as grounds to contest a will. If a will is effectively contested in Jackson, Mississippi, and held to be invalid, this usually results in the property being distributed as if the decedent had died intestate (without a will). This means that it will usually go to the decedent's closest living relative.

Can a Jackson, Mississippi Contested Will Attorney Help?

Contesting a will is often difficult, and never fun. However, the entire process can be made more bearable if you have the help of a qualified Jackson, Mississippi attorney, and the process will probably be much more manageable.

Connect with the Right Wills, Trusts & Estates Law Attorney now!

Life in Jackson

Jackson is home to a number of major industries like machinery, electrical equipment, processed food, metal fabrication. The city is also home to a wide variety of religious entities like the Reformed Theological Seminary, headquarters of the Church of Christ, the Beth Israel Congregation, and the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi. Jackson lives up to its nickname, "Crossroads of the South" in so many ways.

Ballet Mississippi is run by famous Artistic Director David Keary inJackson. The company hosts performances as well as admitting a numberof the United States' best performers who go onto perform for thenearby Mississippi Metropolitan Ballet. Jackson is also home toMississippi Museum of Art, Mississippi Symphony Orchestra (formerlythe Jackson Symphony Orchestra), as well as the remarkable MississippiAgriculture and Forestry Museum. You might surmise then that Jacksonis a hotspot for tourists.

Tourism plays a healthy role in the diverse Jackson economy. The cityis famous for Gospel, Blues, and RB ties to notable musicians likeJohnny Cash and Nancy Sinatra. Jackson is also famous for its roleduring the Civil Rights Era.

A number of talented lawyers live in Jackson because it encompassesmany important Mississippi State and county courts. Jackson,Mississippi lawyers have experience with local court procedures andare ready to consult on any issue.

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