Power of Attorney in La Crosse, Wisconsin

Find the right Power of Attorney attorney in La Crosse, WI

If you want to give somebody the legal power to make certain decisions on your behalf in La Crosse, Wisconsin, you are giving them "power of attorney." There are many different types of power of attorney, to be discussed in more detail below, but they all boil down to one common element: the authority of one person to make decisions for another. I'm sure you can think of many reasons why somebody might want to give this power to another person, especially in the medical context (in case the grantor becomes incapacitated, for example).

The principal in a power-of-attorney arrangement is the one who determines the scope of the power that the attorney will be able to wield, and the circumstances under which they can wield it. Generally, you can grant the attorney-in-fact as much or as little decision-making power as you'd like. In every case, however, you should only enter a power-of-attorney arrangement with somebody you trust. The nature of the power you should grant depends heavily on the context, and what your wishes are.

For example, if you have very specific wishes concerning end-of-life care, you should, of course, make them clear to the person who will be operating on your behalf, and make sure they are prepared to carry them out. You should then grant them power of attorney, with the scope limited to specific healthcare and financial decisions. That way, if you become incapacitated, your loved one will be able to carry out your wishes, even if you are unable to express them.

In La Crosse, Wisconsin, you can sometimes find pre-printed forms that let you easily draft a power-of-attorney agreement. However, if your situation is particularly complex, you should probably have a lawyer draft it for you, to ensure that the agreement is enforceable, or that there are no surprises.

Types of Power of Attorney Arrangements in La Crosse, Wisconsin

In La Crosse, Wisconsin, there are 3 forms of power of attorney. They are:

1. Limited power of attorney - limited power of attorney gives the attorney-in-fact the power to act on your behalf on a single issue, in a single transaction. For example, if you are buying a house in another state, you may wish to grant limited power of attorney to a friend or relative who lives in that state, so they can sign all of the proper documents on your behalf, so you don't have to incur travel expenses. For obvious reasons, you should only grant this power to someone you trust. Once the transaction is complete, the power of attorney automatically disappears.

2. Durable power of attorney - this gives the attorney-in-fact much more power than limited power of attorney. It can, in theory, give them unlimited power in a particular area of the principal's affairs. The document should lay out precisely what power the attorney-in-fact will wield. This arrangement, when used carefully, can be very useful, authorizing the attorney-in-fact to make important decisions for the principal as long as is necessary, because it does not automatically disappear after a single transaction. Additionally, the principal can revoke the power of attorney at any time.

3. Springing power of attorney - this is similar to durable power of attorney, but the power is conditional. That is, it does not take effect unless some particular event takes place. This event can be anything. Most frequently, however, the agreement permits the attorney-in-fact to make important medical and financial decisions for the principal, only in the event that the principal becomes incapacitated. However, there are sometimes disagreements over whether or not a person is truly "incapacitated" to the point that the power of attorney has been triggered. This can lead to a court of law having to decide the issue.

Can a La Crosse, Wisconsin Lawyer Help?

Because there are sometimes intricate issues involved in setting up power of attorney in La Crosse, Wisconsin, you should consult with a lawyer beforehand. You can tell the lawyer all of the relevant details about your specific situation, and your goals, and he or she will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

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Life in La Crosse

La Crosse is located in La Crosse County, Wisconsin. The city is home to around 52,500 people and lies alongside the beautiful Mississippi River! It is known as a college town because it is home to University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Viterbo University and Western Technical College.

Top employers include the university system, Gunderson Lutheran Medical Center, Franciscan Skemp Medical Center, Trane Corporation, Kwik Trip, CenturyLink, and Wal-Mart. There are also small law offices with excellent, actively-practicing attorneys to support the legal needs of local businesses and residents.

Famous residents include David Ackert, John Ake, George Dahlgren, Alexa Demara, Charles Dierkop, Minnie Dupree, Paul Fitzke, Don Iverson, Scott Servais, Jarrod Washburn, and George Williams.

Overall, La Cross is a gorgeous city with a wonderful quality of life. Visitors leave with a smile and residents are proud to call it home.

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