Charitable Giving in Las Vegas, Nevada

Find the right Charitable Giving attorney in Las Vegas, NV

In Las Vegas, Nevada, charitable giving is when a person transfers something to an organization or individual, without consideration (getting something directly in return). This is for the purpose of advancing some type of cause, helping people in need, or any other altruistic motive.

In general, it's quite easy to make a charitable donation to a cause you want to help. Whether it includes writing a huge check, or dropping spare change in a donation jar, a large majority of charitable gifts are made simply by giving money away, with no intermediary or other intricate legal arrangements.

What if, however, you want to give all or most of your assets to a charity, to really make a big difference? This is frequently not practical while the donor is alive, since they presumably have expenses, and want to maintain for themselves the lifestyle to which they're accustomed. However, there are a few arrangements authorizing you to have your assets transferred to a charity after your death.

There are many ways you can donate some or all of your property or money to a charity after your death, if you wish to do so. Direct testamentary gifts are the most common and the most simple way to accomplish this. A testamentary gift simply entails donating the money or property directly to the charity, through a provision in your will.

Charitable Trusts in Las Vegas, Nevada

Charitable trusts are typically used for very large donations, and can be made during the donor's life, or after their death.

Under a charitable trust, the money going to the charity technically still belongs to the donor. However, the charity, acting as a trustee, has authority to use it for charitable purposes (what the money can and can't be used for should be clearly laid out in the trust).

The most typical type of Las Vegas, Nevada charitable trust is identified as a "charitable remainder trust." Under this arrangement, some of your money or property is given to your charity of choice. The charity then invests the money, while giving a percentage of the income generated by these investments to you or a beneficiary of your choice, for a determinate period of time. Once this time is up, ownership of the original fund transfers to the charity.

If you wish to set up a charitable trust in you should check with the IRS and equivalent state agencies to ensure that the charity you want to help is registered with them. This will help make sure that your money is used for a good cause (and not to line somebody's pockets) and that your contribution will be tax-deductible.

Do I Need a Las Vegas, Nevada Attorney?

When attempting to establish a charitable trust, or make another charitable donation, the first thing you should do is discuss this with the organization you want to make the donation to. They will probably be able to advise you on how to donate your money in the way that will be most useful to them. And, of course, you should speak with an attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada, who will typically be able to make the process much easier.

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Life in Las Vegas

By the time you're finished reading this paragraph the city of Las Vegas will have torn down and rebuilt 5 hotels. Okay, maybe not. However, there aren't many cities that have a more exciting and ever changing landscape. "Sin City" boasts a signature restaurant for nearly ever celebrity chef and a show for any age range or interest.

People call Las Vegas the "Entertainment Capital of the World," "The Marriage Capital of the World," and the "Capital of Second Chances" (whatever that means) so it should be obvious there's a lot going on in those 131 square miles comprising Las Vegas.

One lesser known fact about Las Vegas is that it is the most popular destination for Hawaiians and is often referred to as the "Ninth Island." A 2002 survey showed almost 85,000 former Hawaiian residents and an average of 3,000 residents from Hawaii visited Las Vegas each week.

Las Vegas is much more than a tourist attraction. Nearly 600,000 Nevada County residents comprise the Las Vegas population. A handful of those Las Vegans work at locally headquartered companies like Zappos. The headquarters for Zappos is in the old Las Vegas City Hall.

Since many of the original large casinos and hotels were funded by real mobsters, you can learn more about Las Vegas by visiting the Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement. Las Vegas has come a long way since the days of gangsters. Las Vegas lawyers know local courts well and can help you decide the best course of action for your case.

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