Power of Attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada

Find the right Power of Attorney attorney in Las Vegas, NV

In Las Vegas, Nevada, "power of attorney" refers to a variety of different legal arrangements. However, the numerous systems which fall under the umbrella of that term have one thing in common: if somebody grants power of attorney to somebody else, the person with power of attorney is authorized to make given decisions on behalf of the person who granted it. There are many reasons why a person might want to grant this power to another, but it often granted in contemplation of the possibility that the grantor might become unable to express his or her wishes due to some form of incapacity.

Any power-of-attorney arrangement creates the possibility that the attorney-in-fact will abuse the power he or she has been granted, and it's simply not feasible to completely eliminate this possibility. It can be minimized, however, by giving the attorney the bare minimum amount of authority needed to carry out your wishes, and making your wishes known in writing (with copies held by at least one other person) well in advance. When granting power of attorney, you can usually grant as much authority as you want, so you need to be very careful, and only give this legal authority to somebody you know and trust. Also, you should consider your circumstances and objectives when determining what type of power to grant.

For instance, some people have specific wishes, whether based on religion or personal preference, about how they should be cared for at the end of their life. Oftentimes, people who are at the end of their lives become unable to express their wishes. Consequently, it becomes necessary to have somebody else who knows what they would want, and has the legal authority to give effect to those wishes.

Sometimes, you can find pre-printed forms in Las Vegas, Nevada allowing you to easily draft a power of attorney document. In some cases, this may be all you need. These forms already have the basics of such an agreement committed to writing. All you and the other party have to do is fill in the blanks, per the instructions, and possibly have the forms notarized.

Types of Power of Attorney Arrangements in Las Vegas, Nevada

There are 3 general arrangements that power of attorney can involve in Las Vegas, Nevada. They are:

1. Limited power of attorney - limited power of attorney gives the attorney-in-fact the power to act on your behalf on a single issue, in a single transaction. For example, if you are buying a house in another state, you may wish to grant limited power of attorney to a friend or relative who lives in that state, so they can sign all of the proper documents on your behalf, so you don't have to incur travel expenses. For obvious reasons, you should only grant this power to someone you trust. Once the transaction is complete, the power of attorney automatically disappears.

2. Durable power of attorney - this lets an attorney-in-fact make decisions in a particular, specified area of the principal's affairs. Durable power of attorney doesn't automatically disappear, and can last indefinitely, or until the principal revokes it. This can be very useful, because it permits the attorney-in-fact to make important decisions for the principal, but allows the principal to revoke the power if they regain the capacity to make their own decisions.

3. Springing power of attorney - this is similar to durable power of attorney, but the power is conditional. That is, it does not take effect unless some particular event takes place. This event can be anything. Most frequently, however, the agreement permits the attorney-in-fact to make important medical and financial decisions for the principal, only in the event that the principal becomes incapacitated. However, there are sometimes disagreements over whether or not a person is truly "incapacitated" to the point that the power of attorney has been triggered. This can lead to a court of law having to decide the issue.

Can a Las Vegas, Nevada Lawyer Help?

Because setting up a power of attorney agreement is not always straightforward in Las Vegas, Nevada, it's never imprudent to at least speak with a lawyer beforehand. As with any legal agreement, there are things that can go wrong, which laypersons may not foresee.

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Life in Las Vegas

By the time you're finished reading this paragraph the city of Las Vegas will have torn down and rebuilt 5 hotels. Okay, maybe not. However, there aren't many cities that have a more exciting and ever changing landscape. "Sin City" boasts a signature restaurant for nearly ever celebrity chef and a show for any age range or interest.

People call Las Vegas the "Entertainment Capital of the World," "The Marriage Capital of the World," and the "Capital of Second Chances" (whatever that means) so it should be obvious there's a lot going on in those 131 square miles comprising Las Vegas.

One lesser known fact about Las Vegas is that it is the most popular destination for Hawaiians and is often referred to as the "Ninth Island." A 2002 survey showed almost 85,000 former Hawaiian residents and an average of 3,000 residents from Hawaii visited Las Vegas each week.

Las Vegas is much more than a tourist attraction. Nearly 600,000 Nevada County residents comprise the Las Vegas population. A handful of those Las Vegans work at locally headquartered companies like Zappos. The headquarters for Zappos is in the old Las Vegas City Hall.

Since many of the original large casinos and hotels were funded by real mobsters, you can learn more about Las Vegas by visiting the Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement. Las Vegas has come a long way since the days of gangsters. Las Vegas lawyers know local courts well and can help you decide the best course of action for your case.

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