Estate Administration in Las Vegas, Nevada

Find the right Estate Administration attorney in Las Vegas, NV

When a person dies, a process identified as "estate administration" must be carried out. This refers to all the procedures which must be followed in distributing a person's estate to their heirs or devisees.

If the decedent wrote a will before his or her death in Las Vegas, Nevada, the process will be carried out according to the directives contained in the will, assuming they are valid and enforceable.

The decedent typically names in the will an executor of his or her estate. The executor is the person whose job it is to take the lead role in the administration of an estate.

The executor usually has at least some work cut out for them. This apparently raises the issue of compensation. The easiest way to ensure that the executor does his or her job is simply to appoint the person who has the most to gain from the will. That way, they cannot inherit until the process is completed.

What if The Will Does Not Name an Executor?

If the will in Las Vegas, Nevada does not name an executor, or the decedent left no will to be found, the court has to appoint a person to serve as the administrator of the estate.

Typically, this will be the person who has the most to acquire from the will, or who would gain the most under Nevada's intestacy scheme (the system that distributes the decedent's property to his or her closest living relatives, if he or she dies without a will).

If the will doesn't name a person who is to serve as executor, or the person named is no longer alive or cannot be found, anyone with a direct interest in the will can apply to the Las Vegas, Nevada court to be the executor.

Once an executor is appointed (whether by being named in the will, or on the application of another person), they "step into the shoes" of the estate, and are expected to protect its interests to the fullest extent possible. They also are required to accurately inventory the estate's debts and assets, as well as notify potential beneficiaries.

Can a Las Vegas, Nevada Estate Administration Attorney Help?

Some people are surprised when they find out they've been named the executor of a relative's estate. The responsibilities can seem daunting, but with the help of a knowledgeable Las Vegas, Nevada attorney, the process almost always goes pretty smoothly.

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Life in Las Vegas

By the time you're finished reading this paragraph the city of Las Vegas will have torn down and rebuilt 5 hotels. Okay, maybe not. However, there aren't many cities that have a more exciting and ever changing landscape. "Sin City" boasts a signature restaurant for nearly ever celebrity chef and a show for any age range or interest.

People call Las Vegas the "Entertainment Capital of the World," "The Marriage Capital of the World," and the "Capital of Second Chances" (whatever that means) so it should be obvious there's a lot going on in those 131 square miles comprising Las Vegas.

One lesser known fact about Las Vegas is that it is the most popular destination for Hawaiians and is often referred to as the "Ninth Island." A 2002 survey showed almost 85,000 former Hawaiian residents and an average of 3,000 residents from Hawaii visited Las Vegas each week.

Las Vegas is much more than a tourist attraction. Nearly 600,000 Nevada County residents comprise the Las Vegas population. A handful of those Las Vegans work at locally headquartered companies like Zappos. The headquarters for Zappos is in the old Las Vegas City Hall.

Since many of the original large casinos and hotels were funded by real mobsters, you can learn more about Las Vegas by visiting the Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement. Las Vegas has come a long way since the days of gangsters. Las Vegas lawyers know local courts well and can help you decide the best course of action for your case.

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